Awards & Recognitions

Awards and Recognitions

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."
Coretta Scott King


50 Men of Excellence Award-2012
The New Pittsburgh Courier, one of the nation's oldest African American news outlets on the country, awards this prestigious award to 50 African American males who exemplify excellence in leadership. Eric Ewell was awarded this honor for his exceptional leadership while working with the Hill District Education. In this role, Eric mobilized parents in one of the poorest performing neighborhoods within the Pittsburgh public schools  district.

Pittsburgh Chapter of the Black MBA Association Community Leader of The Year Award-2016
This Award was given due to the outstanding efforts of the Propel Schools backpack feeding program.

Be There Finalist-2017
The United Way of Allegheny County recognized members of the education community who are developing and implementing programs that enhance the experience of students throughout Allegheny county. During the 2017 school year, Eric expanded the backpack feeding program of Propel Schools from 1 school to 8 schools, reaching more than 500 children.

1st Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Western PA Distinguished Service Award-2017
This award was given for Eric's exceptional work in saving the jurisdiction more than $200,000 in debt. Working on a team with two other members, they were able to sell a delinquent property that was set to be torn down at the cost of the jurisdiction.  
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